In our minds Wimbledon goes together with strawberries nearly as well as cream, and not without good reason. The tennis tournament has always coincided with the peak of the traditional strawberry season in the last couple of weeks of June… until now!

Apparently to give the poor little underpaid luvvies a rest after the French open they are pushing Wimbledon back one week. That coupled with global warming and new earlier varieties, means (for us at least) the peak on an average year will have past by the time the final is played on July 12th.

Don’t misunderstand me – I am not saying that we won’t have strawberries then, but the best and most abundant crop will be ready before Wimbledon. For many years I have said “Best Strawberries? – think Wimbledon” Now it needs to be “Best Strawberries? think Wimbledon build up!”

Of course I need to add the proviso that every year is different, and the season can move forward or back a week or so depending on the weather – and also we produce strawberries from May to October, so don’t worry I’m sure you won’t miss out! As always I recommend checking with us before picking via facebook or on the website…